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Inside the Music with Philadelphia Artist, Andre Saunders

Andre Saunders, rap musician and poet from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is already breaking the ceiling

by excelling to new heights as he travels through his musical journey.

Saunders was recognized by BET ‘Music Matters’ campaign, and performed with Rakim, Donell Jones,

Asia Sparks, Chill Moody, Ms. Jade, and more.

His song entitled, “I wish” landed on radio stations; Brother Marcus 107.9 FM, The Real Lady B 100.3 FM,

and received stamp of approval from well-known national artists such as; Wale. The artist seems to have

heads turning from representatives from Rostrum Records, and also being co-signed to labels.

Dion Waiters, Donavon and Char McNabb, Vin Rock, and Philadelphia Sun Newspaper also recognized

Saunders for his musical talent.

Saunders provides the look, style, and feel that music industry needs.

You can check him out on Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram @andres_1220.

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