Carnegie Mellon University Host Spirit Fashion Show.

Title: Spirit Fashion Show
The Spirit Fashion Show (SFS) recently took place Saturday April 8, 2017 at 8:00pm at Carnegie Mellon University (University Center).
The venue seats quickly filled with friends, family, and supporters of SFS who patiently awaited to endure an evening of fashion.
This fashion club organization is the longest running of its kind on Carnegie Mellon's campus. SFS is a multicultural organization that aims to champion Black awareness.
In one particular fashion show segment the models did a tribute the #TheBringBackOurGirls campaign for the Black women and young girls that are missing.
Tickets for the event were $10 pre-sale and $15 at the door.
During the evening of fashion, the fashion show highlighted many different designers such as; ROSA, Makayla Wray, and more !
Fashion Show attendee, "I especially enjoyed the segment where the fashion show highlighted the young Black women and girls of Washington DC that are missing. This fashion show was unapologetically Black and proud," Marie Swinton said.