Ashley Comans, For School Board Director!

Title: Ashley Comans, For School Board Director!
From Pageant Beauty Queen, to WPXI News, to Blogger, to now pursuing a position to help the Wilkinsburg community as she campaigns to be elected as the School Board Director; Ashley Comans is determined, one-of-a-kind, and has the desire to take on a leadership role that will make a difference!
School Board Director elect, Ashley Comans is asking for your vote and(or) support on Tuesday May 16, 2017.
Mrs. Comans said, “Ultimately, I love to help and inform people. I believe I am a source of information. It's really important for people to know what is happening in their communities and surrounding areas. I hope me running for a school board director enlightens other people to realize they too can take on a civic role in their own community. “
It’s no secret that Mrs. Comans is a woman of any hats, however she says that politics has always been a passion of hers. During her High School years she enjoyed serving on student councils, and while a student at Clarion University she was a part of the student government association.
“What I want to help implement for the school board is more transparency and community involvement. Our children and families should have more engagement with the work happening behind the scenes which directly impacts them. There has been a lot of positive and progressive steps taken in the last four years which has put our district in much better place. I want to help build on the necessary changes and continue to improve the district,” Mrs. Comans said.
Wilkinsburg has been viewed as a challenged area for some time now, dealing with issues of poverty, low test scores, graduation rates, businesses, and high taxes. Mrs. Comans was asked to elaborate on how she believes she can delegate some of these issues.
“Wilkinsburg has had some very trying times. In the 2013 election year there were new faces elected to the borough council and school board. Those individuals along with the incumbent officials made decisions together which helped Wilkinsburg gain their ground back. We had a council who found resources in the form of grant funding and has began to work on demolition of abandoned homes. The community is working to create a more appealing business district and there are programs to assist new property owners regarding taxes. The school board has really done a lot of work over the past four years. Hard decisions were made to close the high school and send our 7th to 12th grade students to Westinghouse but the partnership is in the best interest of the children. Wilkinsburg high school students are eligible for the Pittsburgh Promise scholarship and their magnet school programs. Mrs. Comans continued, Both of our elementary schools are being renovated. Giving the school faculty and students a more welcoming and encouraging learning atmosphere. The school taxes are finally in a position where the board will be able to discuss when taxes can be lowered. The progress is promising and I would love to help be a fresh voice. Someone who wants to be able to send my future children to the school down the street from me. I can only ensure so being on the board and helping the group with my strengths,” Mrs. Comans said.
Her mission statement is to ‘Keep moving Wilkinsburg forward.’
Wlikinsburg is home for Mrs. Comans and her family, and she believes in the community and knows what it can be. Continue to follow her throughout the remainder of her campaign, and be sure to vote on May 16, 2017!