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Positive Vibes All Summer 17'

By Intern: Marcus Stewart 

Positive Vibes ALL Summer’17 

Positive vibes should be all you surround yourself with this summer! Positivity is powerful and energies can be contagious and transferred, so why not transfer positivity this summer. The Soul Pitt is doing just that! The Soul Pitt showcases Pittsburgh’s minority community by hosting events that promote talent and unity throughout the city of Pittsburgh. They have an official website that you can check out; (, and their Facebook page; (The Soul Pitt). On their website and Facebook pages is where you can find all of their events that are coming up this summer. Of the many events and postings on the website, one in particular that stood out to me was a post on their Facebook page that featured Pittsburgh’s Post-Gazette newspaper inviting teenagers 16+ to write raps answering the question “what it is like living in Pittsburgh”. This gives teens and people from the community a voice that may not be heard otherwise and gives them the opportunity to voice what really goes on in our city. They also have an upcoming event Sunday, July 2 called “Jerk Fest” which embraces Carribbean culture with music and food. This is their second annual Jerk fest and is sure to be better than the first, so tell a friend to tell a friend! You can find more information on these community events and what’s to come in the future by following their Facebook page (The Soul Pitt), their Twitter account (@TheSoulPitt), and even by subscribing to their magazine! They have great events for the Summer, and we hope to see you there!  

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