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How to Purchase My Books!

This is a friendly reminder that I am an author (lol). Just kidding guys. I just wanted to implement some brief information about my books, the cost, and where you can purchase a copy. My first published book, 'Secret Shadows' was published in 2012 through Author house Publishing. The book is available on Barnes and Noble and the Author House website. The book is also available in Kindle form for half the price of a paperback copy. It's available for $12! And if you like mysteries, you'll love this one! My second published book is 'Love, Hate, & Betrayal' this book was later published in 2015. This book is a short, quick, easy read that is split into three different selections. Each story has its own unique display of love or hate. If you enjoy s touching love story or an impactful event that changed lives, you will surely be pleased with this read. The book is available on for $7. If you have any questions and(or) would like to purchase a book please feel free to contact me by message, email, or Instagram. Add these books to your collection.  

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