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Press Pass with Paige> Insecure Season ✌🏾!

By: Paige K. Mitchell What an exciting weekend! People literally sat on their edge of their seats watching popular TV shows and movie, Insecure, Power, and Girls Trip. Insecure officially premiered its second season on HBO Sunday July 23, 2017. Millions across our country gathered around the television screen to see how Issa Rae brought her creativity to the big screen for season 2. In Season 1, Issa's boyfriend Lawrence broke off the relationship when he figured out that his girlfriend was getting hot and spicy with her ex-boyfriend Daniel. This whole emotional ordeal pushed Lawrence right into the arm's of Tasha. Tasha is the local bank teller that has been checking him out, but Lawrence turned it down while attempting to be loyal to his relationship. The season ended on an incredible cliff hanger that has brought us to season 2. I have personally followed the career of Issa Rae since 'The Adventures of Black Awkward Girl' on YouTube and I feel I have personally witnessed her Hollywood glow up. Insecure is just as fabulous as her YouTube web series and I am rooting on #Insecure characters, Issa and Lawrence to get back together. I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to love, and I really feel like Lawrence truly loves her. He is definitely not perfect, but who is! Issa really broke his heart and now he is playing hard to get. Which is why he left her hanging like that at the end of the scene. Hopefully the two love birds work it out before things get a little too messy. I understand why Issa was upset and was somewhat unsatisfied with Lawrence for the moment, but it was no excuse to step out on their commitment to one another. No one ever said that relationships were supposed to be easy. Like everything else in life, they require work. And there are no off-days or PTO. When your in, your in. But like I said, I'm hoping they can overcome this hurdle and put it behind them. What do you think? Be sure to tune every Sunday on HBO.  

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