Media Magic with Ms. Ivy Box!

By: Paige K. Mitchell Statistics have proven that self-help guides are effective. Regardless if you are looking for guidance through life, love, or business- these guides are proven to be effective. Ms. Ivy Box is the author of ‘The 365 Go Get HERS Guide: What you want, When you want it, How to get it, Make it happen’ -And recently released a male counterpart; ‘The 365 Go Get HIS Guide.’ These guides are used as a comprehensive roadmap that delivers the tools necessary to establish and maintain a stable vision, self-empowerment and maximum results through the culmination of happiness, education, respect, and success. “I get emails, text, and direct messages all the time, some from people that I know, others from people that I never met. One young lady reached out to me and told me how much my book impacted her life. She had thoughts of moving to another city to further pursue her career endeavors and my book came at her at the right time. I’m not sure exactly how it impacted her final decision, but I know it gave her the extra motivation and push she was looking for. She has since moved across the country, and things seem to be working out for her career wise, which is amazing,” Ivy Box said. A quote that Ms. Ivy Box lives by is; ‘The sky is not the limit, it’s only the beginning’ and this quote has been a true testament to her career journey. A true Southern Bell & Beauty, born and raised in Florida. A graduate of South Florida University and later received her Masters from Full Sail University. A woman who travels a career path dedicated to serving the lives of others. But interestingly enough; she says becoming an author wasn’t something she always aspired to do. The idea came about while she participated as a guest on an online radio show, when a conversation came about about writing books. Ms. Ivy Box said, “Becoming an author wasn’t always a goal of mine, but it has always been a thought. When I was younger I would watch a show called ‘Reading Rainbow’ - there was an episode that showed you how you can create your own book at home, so I did it.” Ms. Ivy Box believes her books are special with a sprinkle of enchantment. “What I know for sure is that when I finally decided to write the book, the words just came. They came more through me, then from me. I was just a vessel. I don’t know if that makes it different from any of the other books, but I know that my book is special and that I know for sure,” Ms. Ivy Box said. “If I had to pick a chapter of my book that stands out right now it would be the chapter called, “Do The Work.” It stemmed from the advice I received from the legendary Suzanne De Passé at an event out in LA a couple of years ago. In the chapter I described what happened and what she had said to me. At the end of the day it was about your work ethic and continuing to “Do the Work” regardless of your circumstances. That’s something I need to be reminded of at this particular moment.” For more information on @MsIvyBox follow her on Instagram! She has so much more fun stuff in the works! P.S. this is just the beginning of the Go Get HERS series! So ladies, Go Get H.E.R.S. {Happiness, Education, Respect, & Success}! Ivy’s books are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.