Press Pass w/ Paige: My Super Sweet 16

Since 'My Super Sweet 16' is preparing to return to the big screen, I thought it would be a great idea to take a trip down memory lane and tell you all about my sweet 16 birthday bash!
I turned 16 right around the exact time, MTV's Sweet 16 reality show was at it's peak. All the girls were tuned in to see how the celebrities lavishly partied in style.
I can't lie. I tuned in to every episode. My favorite part was seeing how they decorated the venue, and what theme they chose. So naturally this made me even more excited to turn 16!
I couldn't do it as big as the kid stars, but I was going to try!
For my sweet 16, I got party invitations that looked like concert tickets and I exclusively passed them out to only those who were cordially invited at my high school. My friends and I even rode around and passed some out to a select few people at different schools and neighborhoods. My dress was a one stop shop, I found it at the first store we stopped in.
We booked the ballroom for the venue at a local hotel in my home room and ordered so much food! I had every finger food u could think of, with deserts! I had a photographer, videographer, photo booth, back drop, and to top it all off my parents surprised me with a live performance from a local popular R&B Group, "Crave."
The party started at 6:30pm and I made my grand entrance around 7:15pm! The DJ announced my name, and all my close family and friends had party poppers to burst open as I walked in the ballroom. Crown and all, I felt like a princess. I still laugh at the fact that to chose to do my grand entrance to the song, 'Shoulder Lean.' I really liked that song at the time ha ha.
The party was pretty close to perfect! I loved every second of it. People from all over the city came out to support me. So many people in fact that everyone didn't get in! I couldn't believe people came that didn't have tickets! I even heard people had fake ticket invitations lol My mom and aunts had to literally watch the door! It was bananas!
Unfortunately, a big fight happened at the end in the parking lot (smh) but I was happy nothing like that took place while the party was actually going on. And nobody was severely hurt (thank the Lord). But it was definitely a great party! If you weren't there, I'm sorry you missed it!