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Uber EATS! They Deliver!

Did you ever have a taste for a McDonald's cheeseburger and Oreo McFlurry but didn't feel like getting in the car to drive there? Or how bout you really have a craving for a flatbread sandwich at work but your too busy to leave and you forgot to pack a lunch? Well, there is now a resolution to these everyday problems. And the answer is Uber! Uber has expanded into new features, and creating more ways to make life easier for civilians. You can now download the 'Uber Eats' App on your smart phone that now allows you to order food from restaurants like McDonald's, The Pub Chip, Pizza Parma, The Bagel Factory, Lot 17, The Piada, Mad Mex, and more select locations! All you have to do is download the application, choose your food, pay your tab, and let Uber know where you would like the food delivered too. See, it's that simple! Check it out today!  

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