#YNGBLKPGH Black Panther Premiere Party !

By: Paige K. Mitchell Young Black Pittsburgh #YNGBLKPGH presents... The Black Panther Premiere Viewing Party went down February 15, 2018 at the South Side Works movie theatre. Doors opened at 6:00pm, where people quickly gathered to enjoy the lights, camera, action, and Black carpet experience. “I love seeing Black excellence, and seeing so many powerful young Black people coming together. I encouraged the attire of Wakanda Black Excellence, and my peers showed up and showed out! I also want to thank Young Motivated Kings & Queens, Ray Carrington (Photograher), Lindsay Hayes (Videographer), WAMO 100- Portia Foxx, Carmi Restaurant, and Three Rivers Adoption Council/Black Adoption Services for all the help and contributing to making this event a success,” Brian Burley said. WAMO 100 gave out cool giveaways such as; concert tickets, Valentine’s Day baskets, and gift cards to some of the best dressed; while Three Rivers Adoption Council sponsored five lucky people for movie snacks at the concession stand. The movie promptly started at 7:30pm, and ended with a standing ovation. At the end while the credits concluded the film, Brian Burley thanked everyone for coming. When people were dismissed from the theatre photos continued while people celebrated the greatness of the movie while jamming to the beat of steel and wooden drums. Amanda Wilson, “I loved the movie! I especially love the way women were portrayed in the film. Wakanda Forever!”