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The “Matters” Mixer hosted by Well-known Activist Leon Ford

Leon Ford continues to speak and take the nation by storm, continuing to spread knowledge and awareness.

November 29, 2016 survivor of Police brutality, activist, motivation speaker, and soon to be published author Leon Ford along with BMe Leaders held a networking mixer. The “Matters” Mixer took place at the August Wilson Center, downtown Pittsburgh.

“The overall turn out of the event was amazing. It showed me how diverse my support system is. To see folks from the governor’s office, professional athletes, college professors, high school teachers, students and everyday working citizens come out together for a good cause was amazing,” Mr. Ford said.

During the networking event, the unveiling of the 2015 BMe Leader was revealed.

Mr. Ford said, “The unveiling of "The Hold Up" was held as a mixer to bring the community out to view this amazing photo and to bring individuals out to a town hall meeting held by Urban Innovation21. I wanted my network to come out to support me but what I wanted even more was to connect them to my network and introduce them to business opportunities.”

Many people from all over the city gathered under one roof in support of Leon Ford and the great men of BMe. Not only was it an event meant to network, but also to encourage one another.

Mr. Ford said, “It was special to see how I could be a bridge builder bringing many different networks together. Some of which has similar missions but have never worked together. I've built meaningful relationships with a very diverse groups and whenever I put the call out they show up. I am extremely grateful for my support system.”

The Leon Ford and BMe movement continues. The event was a success, and relationships were built.

“I think it's easy to network and there are many networking events happening everyday however adding love to the equation makes networking worthwhile. Through all that I've been through I’ve not only been positive but I've learned to spread love regardless of what I was going through. Love was present, relationships were built and the community came together for something special,” Mr. Ford said.

This event was followed by the “Stand up, Stand Out” event with Angela Benton.

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