Morgan Helps Boss Babes Bloom!
By: Paige K. Mitchell “If no one told you today, know that your dreams have the power to manifest and come true. You already have...

Media Magic with the Six Figure Spa Chick!
STORY AVAILABLE FOR PREVIEW Story Title: Conversations With Candace Holyfield, The Six Figure Spa Chick. Written By: Paige Mitchell (IG:...

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Hustle Your Way Into Endless Possibilities! #HustleHerWay
Name: Paige K. Mitchell An atmosphere full of passionate, bubbly, driven, and determined women; otherwise known as the #HustleHerWay...

Why Day Parties & Brunch Are The New Hype!
Name: Paige K. Mitchell What to do during the summer? Where should you go while looking for a good time, and good eats? Millennials...

Younger Black Pittsburgh!
By: Paige K. Mitchell Have you heard of ‘Y.B.M.K.Q.’ - the Young Black Motivated Kings and Queens of Pittsburgh to be exact! These...

The Festival Of Food & Rum! #SuedeFest
By: Paige Mitchell The New York City Based Restaurant that is known for its exquisite Caribbean food and voted #1 place to brunch;...